Sophrology helps you achieve optimum wellness by calming and at the same time energising you. Using a range of simple exercises that include mindfulness, movement and visualisation, sophrology is a self-development training designed to make you feel and function better. It can also be used to alleviate specific problems, such as anxiety, stress and burn-out, sleep difficulties and phobias. The method has been used extensively in Europe for over fifty years, and recent discoveries in neuroscience have been incorporated into its practice. Sophrology offers a great way for you to easily gain a feeling of optimal well-being, to feel less stressed and anxious, and sleep more soundly. Practicing sophrology exercises for just a few minutes a day can help you develop your awareness and self-knowledge. It can help you meditate and approach life in a more trusting, positive, and confident manner. It can also help relieve you of the harmful effects of stress and anxiety. Sophrology has been in use in clinics, hospitals and schools for over fifty years in the French-speaking world to help alleviate the symptoms of chronic illness, to counter the effects of burnout and to increase resilience. it can also be used to optimise your life and develop your potential: to improve your academic performance, or your performance in sports or the arts, and many people also use it as a way of deepening their experience of being alive, in the same way that people use meditation, mindfulness, or yoga as an ongoing discipline to improve the quality of their life.